
You can contact us through : info@hoffice.kr
+82 10 4420 7059
2F, 4, Hangang-daero 96-gil,
Yongsan-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea


Ho Han, Director
Seungho Lee, Senior Designer
Sangmin Kim, Project Designer
Jiseok Jang, Project Designer
Eunkyoung Park, Project Designer
Minsik Bae, Drafting Designer
Ungchan Lee, Junior Designer
Seungbo Lee, Junior Designer


Kyurhee Kim, Designer


<Park : Another Walkway>
FE26, 2020
<Universal Beef includes life and death of the hermitage>
Meeseek, 2020
<Point Zero of the Haus>
Meeseek, 2021
<the uncertain objects>
Ho Han Solo Exhibition, 2021


The design story / Soui. flagship

Archdaily / Soui. flagship
Superfuture / Soui. flagship

New norm magazine / Kase
New norm magazine / Bon9 showroom

INTERIORS / Soui. flagship

INTERNI & Deco / Nomanual flagship

Archdaily / Nomanual flagship

Acumen / Nomanual flagship

ROOM Diseno / Nomanual flagship

Archdaily / Cafe Bon9

Archdaily / Hongdamstudio Seoul

INTERIORS / Korean Young Interior Designer